import {
} from '@/types'
import { CONSTANT_OF_ABERRATION, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG } from '@/constants'
import { Sun } from '@/sun'
import {
} from '../nutation'
import { getEccentricity, getLongitudeOfPerihelion } from '../coordinates'
import { getEarthVelocity } from './earthvelocity'
* Accurate annual aberration for equatorial coordinates
* It is due to the orbital motion of the Earth around the barycenter of the Solar system.
* This is the high-accuracy Ron-Vondrak expression for aberration. See AA p153.
* @param {JulianDay} jd The julian day
* @param {EquatorialCoordinates} coords The equatorial coordinates
* @return {EquatorialCoordinatesCorrection}
* @memberof module:Earth
export function getAccurateAnnualEquatorialAberration (jd: JulianDay, coords: EquatorialCoordinates): EquatorialCoordinatesCorrection {
const ra = coords.rightAscension * DEG2RAD
const dec = coords.declination * DEG2RAD
const cosAlpha = Math.cos(ra)
const sinAlpha = Math.sin(ra)
const cosDelta = Math.cos(dec)
const sinDelta = Math.sin(dec)
const velocity = getEarthVelocity(jd)
const c = 17_314_463_350.0 // Speed of light in units of 10^-8 UA / day. See AA p 155.
const X0 = velocity.Y * cosAlpha - velocity.X * sinAlpha
const X = X0 / (c * cosDelta)
const Y0 = velocity.X * cosAlpha + velocity.Y * sinAlpha
const Y1 = velocity.Z * cosDelta
const Y = (Y0 * sinDelta - Y1) / c
return {
DeltaRightAscension: X * RAD2DEG * 3600, // to obtain units of ArcSecond
DeltaDeclination: -1 * Y * RAD2DEG * 3600 // to obtain units of ArcSecond
* Equatorial (annual) aberration
* It is due to the orbital motion of the Earth around the barycenter of the Solar system.
* See getAccurateAnnualEquatorialAberration for high-accuracy algorithm, taking into account the total velocity of the Earth
* relative to the barycenter of the solar system.
* See AA p 152, Equ 23.3
* @see {getAccurateAnnualEquatorialAberration}
* @param {JulianDay} jd The julian day
* @param {EquatorialCoordinates} coords The equatorial coordinates
* @return {EclipticCoordinatesCorrection} The coordinates corrections in ArcSeconds
* @memberof module:Earth
export function getAnnualEquatorialAberration (jd: JulianDay, coords: EquatorialCoordinates): EquatorialCoordinatesCorrection {
let DeltaRightAscension: ArcSecond, DeltaDeclination: ArcSecond
const ra = coords.rightAscension * DEG2RAD
const dec = coords.declination * DEG2RAD
const e = getEccentricity(jd)
const pi = getLongitudeOfPerihelion(jd) * DEG2RAD
const epsilon = getTrueObliquityOfEcliptic(jd) * DEG2RAD
const sunLongitude = Sun.getGeometricEclipticLongitude(jd) * DEG2RAD
const cosPi = Math.cos(pi)
const sinPi = Math.sin(pi)
const cosEpsilon = Math.cos(epsilon)
const tanEpsilon = Math.tan(epsilon)
// Use the geoMETRIC longitude. See AA p.151
const cosLong = Math.cos(sunLongitude)
const sinLong = Math.sin(sunLongitude)
const cosAlpha = Math.cos(ra)
const sinAlpha = Math.sin(ra)
const cosDelta = Math.cos(dec)
const sinDelta = Math.sin(dec)
const A0 = cosAlpha * cosLong * cosEpsilon + sinAlpha * sinLong
const A1 = cosAlpha * cosPi * cosEpsilon + sinAlpha * sinPi
DeltaRightAscension = -1 * k * (A0 / cosDelta) + e * k * A1 / cosDelta
const D0 = tanEpsilon * cosDelta - sinAlpha * sinDelta
const D1 = cosLong * cosEpsilon * D0 + cosAlpha * sinDelta * sinLong
const D2 = cosPi * cosEpsilon * D0 + cosAlpha * sinDelta * sinPi
DeltaDeclination = -1 * k * D1 + e * k * D2
return { DeltaRightAscension, DeltaDeclination }
* Ecliptic (annual) aberration
* It is due to the orbital motion of the Earth around the barycenter of the Solar system.
* @param {JulianDay} jd The julian day
* @param {EclipticCoordinates} coords The ecliptic coordinates
* @return {EclipticCoordinatesCorrection} The coordinates corrections in Arcsecond
* @memberof module:Earth
export function getAnnualEclipticAberration (jd: JulianDay, coords: EclipticCoordinates): EclipticCoordinatesCorrection {
const e = getEccentricity(jd)
const pi = getLongitudeOfPerihelion(jd)
// Use the geoMETRIC longitude. See AA p.151
const sunLongitude: Radian = Sun.getGeometricEclipticLongitude(jd) * DEG2RAD
const LambdaRad: Radian = coords.longitude * DEG2RAD
const BetaRad: Radian = coords.latitude * DEG2RAD
const X0 = -1 * k * Math.cos(sunLongitude - LambdaRad)
const X1 = e * k * Math.cos(pi - LambdaRad)
const X: ArcSecond = (X0 + X1) / Math.cos(BetaRad) / 3600
const Y0 = -1 * k * Math.sin(BetaRad)
const Y1 = Math.sin(sunLongitude - LambdaRad)
const Y2 = e * (Math.sin(pi - LambdaRad))
const Y: ArcSecond = Y0 * (Y1 - Y2) / 3600
return { DeltaLongitude: X, DeltaLatitude: Y }
* Equatorial aberration due to nutation.
* Warning: this is valid is not near the celestial poles (say < 1").
* This is useful for stars, whose position are often given in equatorial coordinates.
* For planets, use the `getApparentEquatorialCoordinates` methods instead.
* See AA p 151, Equ 23.1
* @param {JulianDay} jd The julian day
* @param {EquatorialCoordinates} coords The equatorial coordinates
* @return {EclipticCoordinatesCorrection} The coordinates corrections in Arcsecond
* @memberof module:Earth
export function getNutationEquatorialAberration (jd: JulianDay, coords: EquatorialCoordinates): EquatorialCoordinatesCorrection {
const epsilon: Radian = getMeanObliquityOfEcliptic(jd) * DEG2RAD
const DeltaEpsilon: ArcSecond = getNutationInObliquity(jd)
const DeltaPsi: ArcSecond = getNutationInLongitude(jd)
const ra: Radian = coords.rightAscension * DEG2RAD
const dec: Radian = coords.declination * DEG2RAD
const cosEpsilon = Math.cos(epsilon)
const sinEpsilon = Math.sin(epsilon)
const cosAlpha = Math.cos(ra)
const sinAlpha = Math.sin(ra)
const tanDelta = Math.tan(dec)
const A0 = cosEpsilon + sinEpsilon * sinAlpha * tanDelta
const DeltaRightAscension = DeltaPsi * A0 - DeltaEpsilon * cosAlpha * tanDelta
const DeltaDeclination = DeltaPsi * sinEpsilon * cosAlpha + DeltaEpsilon * sinAlpha
return { DeltaRightAscension, DeltaDeclination }