import { ArcSecond, Degree, JulianDay } from '@/types'
import { getDecimalValue } from '@/sexagesimal'
import { getJulianCentury } from '@/juliandays'
import { Moon } from '@/earth/moon'
import { Sun } from '@/sun'
import { getReducedValue } from './reducers'
* Nutation in longitude
* @param {JulianDay} jd The julian day
* @return {ArcSecond}
* @memberof module:Earth
export function getNutationInLongitude (jd: JulianDay): ArcSecond {
const T = getJulianCentury(jd)
const D = Moon.getMeanElongation(jd)
const M = Sun.getMeanAnomaly(jd)
const Mprime = Moon.getMeanAnomaly(jd)
const F = Moon.getArgumentOfLatitude(jd)
const omega = Moon.getMeanLongitudeAscendingNode(jd)
return getReducedValue(T, D, M, Mprime, F, omega, 'sin')
* Nutation in obliquity
* @param {JulianDay} jd The julian day
* @returns {ArcSecond}
* @memberof module:Earth
export function getNutationInObliquity (jd: JulianDay): ArcSecond {
const T = getJulianCentury(jd)
const D = Moon.getMeanElongation(jd)
const M = Sun.getMeanAnomaly(jd)
const Mprime = Moon.getMeanAnomaly(jd)
const F = Moon.getArgumentOfLatitude(jd)
const omega = Moon.getMeanLongitudeAscendingNode(jd)
return getReducedValue(T, D, M, Mprime, F, omega, 'cos')
* Mean obliquity of the ecliptic.
* The obliquity of the angle between the ecliptic (the plane of Earth orbit)
* and the celestial equator (the project of Earth equator onto the spherical
* sphere). The mean obliquity is NOT corrected for aberration and nutation of
* the Earth.
* @see getTrueObliquityOfEcliptic
* @param {JulianDay} jd The julian day
* @returns {Degree}
* @memberof module:Earth
export function getMeanObliquityOfEcliptic (jd: JulianDay): Degree {
const U = (jd - 2451545) / 3652500
return getDecimalValue(23, 26, 21.448)
- getDecimalValue(0, 0, 4680.93) * U
- getDecimalValue(0, 0, 1.55) * Math.pow(U, 2)
+ getDecimalValue(0, 0, 1999.25) * Math.pow(U, 3)
- getDecimalValue(0, 0, 51.38) * Math.pow(U, 4)
- getDecimalValue(0, 0, 249.67) * Math.pow(U, 5)
- getDecimalValue(0, 0, 39.05) * Math.pow(U, 6)
+ getDecimalValue(0, 0, 7.12) * Math.pow(U, 7)
+ getDecimalValue(0, 0, 27.87) * Math.pow(U, 8)
+ getDecimalValue(0, 0, 5.79) * Math.pow(U, 9)
+ getDecimalValue(0, 0, 2.45) * Math.pow(U, 10)
* True obliquity of the ecliptic.
* The obliquity of the angle between the ecliptic (the plane of Earth orbit)
* and the celestial equator (the project of Earth equator onto the spherical
* sphere). The true obliquity is equal to the mean obliquity corrected by
* aberration and nutation of the Earth.
* @see getMeanObliquityOfEcliptic
* @param {JulianDay} jd The julian day
* @returns {Degree}
* @memberof module:Earth
export function getTrueObliquityOfEcliptic (jd: JulianDay): Degree {
return getMeanObliquityOfEcliptic(jd) + getNutationInObliquity(jd) / 3600